The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 22: Wrap-Up: Renee's Nature Preserve

Renee is the only Sim on this island! Animals apparently do not count.

I see Renee has remembered that she has a pig.

... so! What else is here?

If we keep pulling up weeds all through the night, we will eventually get a figure of Tim, who is a cute kid in a puppy hat! His figure will randomly turn up under the second weed in a weeding chain.

And if we keep fishing at the fishing spot, we will eventually pull out Chef Watanabe, because this is a thing that happens. (There is something else that we can fish up here, as well, but I'm still keeping that a secret for increasingly-silly reasons.)

If Sam slinks off behind the giant cat tower and turns the camera juuuuust right... huh.

Yoink! We have an orchid! What we'll do with this, I have no idea!

Also, while there are several clams on this island, only this one drops anything interesting.

A present! It is...

A new scroll!

In point of fact, a Clam Shell Scroll! HEY LYNDSAY

: Great! Let's see what new wand powers we'll unlock!

It contains a Garden Gnome, a Lucky Kitty, and BACON PAINT. BACON PAAAAAINT

And... I guess we should probably finish up this Garden Scroll that Lyndsay has been carrying around for ages.

And lo, Sam gets a Tidy Flowerbed, a Jardiniere, and some Floral Wallpaper Paint.

That's all! Let's go say goodbye to Renee what do you mean she went to bed already


Starting next update we will all have a yee-haw good time at Cowboy Junction!